






INT function

This function will rounds a number down to the nearest integer. Syntax INT(Number) Number (required) – This is the number you want to round down to the nearest integer. Example In this example find the round down a few numbers. Text values will result in a...

SUMIFS function

This function will conditionally sum up numbers in a range based on given criteria. Syntax SUMIFS(Sum Range, Range 1, Criteria 1, Range 2, Criteria 2,…) Sum Range (required) – This is the range of numbers to sum. Range 1 (required) – This is the...

ABS function

This function will return the absolute value of a number. The absolute value is the “positive” part of a number. Syntax ABS(Number) Number (required) – This is the number you want to find the absolute value of. Example In this example find the...

PROPER function

This function will function will capitalize the first letter of each word. Syntax PROPER(Text) Text (required) – This is the text string which you want to capitalize the first letter of each word. Example In this example we capitalize the first letter of each...

UPPER function

This function will convert text to all uppercase letters. Syntax UPPER(Text) Text (required) – This is the text string you want to turn into all uppercase letters. Example In this example we convert some text into uppercase....