These are the keyboard shortcuts I have found essential. There are a lot of others, but I think these are the most useful. If you use Excel a lot in your job or personal life, these are really worth knowing and using.
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + A | Select all |
Ctrl + B | Bold format a cell or range |
Ctrl + C | Copy a cell or range |
Ctrl + F | Find |
Ctrl + G | GoTo |
Ctrl + H | Find and replace |
Ctrl + I | Italic format a cell or range |
Ctrl + K | Insert a hyperlink |
Ctrl + N | Open a new workbook |
Ctrl + O | Open file |
Ctrl + P | |
Ctrl + S | Save the current workbook |
Ctrl + U | Underline format a cell or range |
Ctrl + V | Paste the last copied or cut cell or range |
Ctrl + W | Close the current workbook |
Ctrl + X | Cut a cell or range |
Ctrl + Y | Redo the last undone action |
Ctrl + Z | Undo the last action |
F2 | Edit a cell |
F4 (while editing formula) | Switch between absolute and relative reference |
F7 | Spell check |
F9 | Recalculate all workbooks |
F12 | Save As |
Alt + F11 | Open the visual basic editor |
Alt + Shift + F1 | Insert new worksheet |
Ctrl + ` | Toggle between value and formula display |
Ctrl + 1 | Format cell |
Ctrl + Shift + ! | Number format |
Ctrl + Shift + @ | Time format |
Ctrl + Shift + # | Date format |
Ctrl + Shift + $ | Currency format |
Ctrl + Shift + % | Percent format |
Ctrl + + | Insert a row or column |
Ctrl + – | Delete a row or column |
Ctrl + Arrow keys | Move to the last non-empty cell |
Ctrl + PgUp | Move to the previous worksheet |
Ctrl + PgDn | Move to the next worksheet |
Ctrl + Spacebar | Select the entire column |
Shift + Spacebar | Select the entire row |
Alt, E, S or Alt, H, V, S | Paste special |
Ctrl + Home | Move to the beginning of a worksheet |
Ctrl + End | Move to the end of a worksheet |